Episode 5: Returning to our Roots

Welcome to Episode 5!! We discuss a bit about why we had such a long hiatus (health issues) and talk a bit more about why body modification is such an important part of returning to our roots and exploring traditional ways of being Human. This one is a bit of a wandering conversation, and we discuss agriculture and health as well, but it does all tie together in that we think that people are starting to realize that the ways we are living in contemporary society are more detrimental than helpful…. tattooing is one of the many things that people are starting to look at in a different and more traditional (pre-industrial) light and it goes right along with returning to traditional agricultural practices, spirituality, and community. We hope you all enjoy the episode… If you like the show, please subscribe, and if you can, leave a review! We appreciate all of your support!

Show Notes:


Modern Primitives: An Investigation of Contemporary Adornment and Ritual,  V. Vale,  Andrea Juno, May 1st 1989